How to whiten face Naturally. Has a white face and glow has become a dream for everyone. Has a white face and beautiful can add confidenc...

How to Whiten WajahHampir everyone so obsessed with skin color that is bright and tried to use the cream and of course spend a lot of money just to buy a skin care product. However, if you want to use beauty products it is advisable to use a product that has been terekomendasi by beauty experts, physicians and also has a certificate of production marketing authorization from BPOM.
You should try to whiten the face with natural ingredients. Using natural ingredients and without the use of chemicals can prevent you from things that are not diingankan on the skin. In addition, the use of natural materials and is also cheaper than using a bag-efficient products on the market or routine treatment at the salon. Here are ways to whiten the face naturally that you should try.
How to whiten face
1. Bengkoang
Bengkoang is one way to whiten the face very powerful and has a lot of beauty products such as whitening cream that uses the main ingredient bengkoan. Bengkoang contains vitamins B1 and C are beneficial both to remove the black stains on the face. Besides the content of vitamin B1 and C can make the skin appear brighter and radiant white.
How to use it :
Prepare beforehand some bengkoang taste
Peel and discard the skin yam earlier.
Rinse fruits bengkoang peeled.
Grab and grated yam and only take the juice alone.
Put the yam juice into a clear container.
Let stand for about 20-30 minutes or until a white precipitate bengkuangnya sari.
Then wear a yam extract sediment that have been made earlier to serve as a natural mask and let stand until dry the face.
Wash your face from the mask bengkoang earlier with clean water.
2. Milk
The benefits of milk in addition to health benefits is that it gives the skin a fresh and bright look more natural. Milk is also beneficial to remove dead skin cells that stick to the skin so that the skin can be regenerated back.
How to use it :
Prepare beforehand white condensed milk or creamer to taste.
Take a few drops of condensed milk white.
Apply the white condensed milk evenly kearea face with a soft cloth.
Let stand about approximately 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse with clean water.
Do this regularly and before going to sleep.
3. Lime
Lemon contains natural antioxidants. Lime can be used as a natural way to whiten the face. It also serves to restore the enlarged pores.
How to use it :
Prepare enough 1 orange juice and a chicken's egg.
Squeeze lime and you just take the water away.
Selnajutnya mix the lemon juice with egg white.
Apply a mixture of lime juice with egg white kearea face evenly.
Let stand for a moment of approximately 15 to 20 minutes.
Wash your face from a mixture of lime juice with egg white using warm water until clean.
Perform routine before bedtime.
4. Tomato
Tomato is a fruit rich in vitamin C can to whiten the skin.
How to use it :
Grate some tomatoes beforehand.
Add 2 to 3 drops of lemon juice and a few drops of rose water.
Stir until evenly distributed.
Spread evenly kearea face and neck.
Let stand for a moment around for about 15 minutes and rinse with clean water.
5. Rice
Rice is also rich in Vitamin E is beneficial for preventing skin from UV exposure and also anti-aging. Rice has been believed since ancient times for generations to serve as a natural substance that can be to bleach the skin.
How to use it :
Soak quite a handful of rice with water up to overnight.
Drain the marinade until completely dry.
Results immersion blender rice that has been dried until shaped like flour.
Simply add 2 tablespoons rice flour previously mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey.
You can use it to serve as a mask and let stand for about 15-20 minutes.
Rinse with clean water.
That's 5 ways to whiten the face naturally. Using the above methods can make your face look whiter and recommended to be done routinely.