Benefits of Garlic Benefits of garlic. If you do not like the smell of garlic? Although garlic has an unpleasant smell, but garlic has ...

Benefits of garlic. If you do not like the smell of garlic? Although garlic has an unpleasant smell, but garlic has various health benefits. Garlic includes herbs that are widely used by the people of Indonesia, India, and other countries. The food is considered incomplete if it does not add to the garlic in it. Garlic gives a different flavor to the food. Besides being used as a cooking ingredient, garlic has many other benefits.
Garlic is rich in compounds such as allicin, sulfur, zinc, and calcium which has various health benefits, beauty as well as antibiotic and antifungal properties. Garlic is also a rich source of minerals known as selenium. Selenium is known to fight cancer and works with vitamin E in the body to increase antioxidant power. Garlic also acts as a blood thinner because of its salicylate content. It can increase blood flow and improve circulatory health. Here are the benefits of garlic.
Benefits of Garlic :
1. Treating Asthma
Garlic can be useful for treating asthma. The trick to mix 10 drops of garlic juice with 2 tablespoons of honey in a glass of water. Drink every day to control asthma attacks.
2. Treating Sore Throat
How to mix garlic juice with hot water and gargle for treating sore throat.
3. Treating Cough
Add 20 drops of garlic juice to a glass of pomegranate juice. This can help to cure all types of cough.
4. Overcoming Acne
Garlic juice can be used to cure acne on the face. Rub garlic juice to the acne on face for 5 minutes. Do not apply garlic juice to the acne in the long term as applied at bedtime and allowed to wake up, 5 minutes is enough.
5. Treating Baldness
Garlic can be used as a natural remedy to treat baldness. Rub garlic juice to the points of hair. Do it twice a day and do not get exposed to the eye.
6. Eliminating Fleas Hair
Garlic juice can eliminate lice contained in hair. How to mencapurkan garlic juice with lemon juice, then massage your hair. Do it at night and wash in the morning.
7. Toxic Treating Insect Bites
Prepare garlic juice, then rub and massage the garlic juice to the affected skin area poisonous insect bites. Using garlic juice to treat poisonous insect bites is one of the first aid.
8. Lowering Cholesterol
Garlic juice can be used as an effective medication for lowering cholesterol, thus preventing heart attacks and other diseases caused by high cholesterol levels. Consuming garlic juice may reduce the thickening and hardening of the arteries.
9. Anti-Mildew, Anti Aging, Skin Soften
Garlic contains allicin which contains a lot of that has antifungal properties, anti-aging, and can refine the skin. Garlic is also known to increase the levels of antioxidants in the skin and body.
10. Reduces Inflammation
Garlic contains sulfur which can prevent infection and helps in reducing inflammation. Garlic can also be beneficial to increase the blood flow so as to brighten the skin.
11. Treating Acne
Garlic can also be useful to treat acne, it is because garlic contains allicin which has antifungal properties that can be used to remove stubborn acne.
Cut the garlic into pieces and put it on the area contained acne. Rub gently, then let stand for 5 minutes and wash with cold water. Using garlic can also be beneficial to remove the scar
You can also use other ways to deal with acne, how to make garlic juice of 2-3 pieces and mix them with white vinegar. White vinegar can help in maintaining the pH level of the skin.
12. Overcoming Blackheads
One of the most common skin problems and many are experiencing is blackheads. Blackheads often occur in people who have oily skin.
Take 2-3 cloves of garlic and mash. Add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal, 1-2 drops of tea tree oil, and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mix these ingredients with honey to form a thick paste. Clean the skin first, then apply the paste. Let stand for 2-3 minutes, rinse with warm water. Do it three times a week.
You can also add a few drops of garlic juice on a homemade scrub made from chickpea flour and turmeric.
13. Anti Aging and Shrink Pores
Garlic can be useful as an anti-aging and can shrink pores. This is because garlic has a high content of antioxidants that can help fight the free radical attack. Garlic also contains sulfur, which can help the body to produce collagen, which can help in overcoming wrinkles. Garlic also contains compounds called polyphenols. Mash a few pieces of garlic and add to the juice, use a regular facial mask which can prevent premature aging and should not be exposed to the eye.
Enlarged pores is one of the common problems of aging skin. To minimize the pores of the skin, you can make a paste by mashing half a tomato and garlic pods 3-4. Apply to face and wait 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water, and splash cold water on your face. Tomato and garlic both can act as an antiseptic that helps in the blockage of the skin, minimize pores, and can tighten the skin.
14. Overcoming Stretch Mark
Garlic can be used as an option to overcome the stretch marks. Stretch marks are already known can be addressed using the garlic. You do this by consuming garlic in your diet. Garlic can cope with stretch marks, it is because garlic contains allicin and sulfur can increase skin elasticity and cope with stretch marks.
15. Overcoming Hair Loss
One of the benefits of garlic that can cope with hair loss. How to soak a few cloves of garlic in olive oil for a week. Once a week, use the oil to massage your scalp and leave it overnight, then wash your hair as usual. Use this oil once a week.
16. Overcoming Gray Hair
Garlic can also cope with graying hair. You do this by heating the oil and add the seeds to dry a little black pepper and 3 cloves of garlic. When it was cold rub the oil on your hair. Use the hair oil continuously for several days for maximum results.
17. Treating Skin Fungus Infection
Garlic is anti-fungal that can be used to treat fungal skin infections such as fungal infections of skin on the feet. Cut into pieces a few cloves of garlic and put on the affected area of skin fungal infections. Cover with a cloth gauze and leave overnight. In the morning, wash your feet thoroughly and apply garlic oil on the affected area of skin fungal infections, then cover with socks. Repeat the process for several days.
18. Lose Weight and Maintaining Healthy Skin and Hair
Garlic contains sulfur that works with vitamin B complex and metabolism, which can help in maintaining healthy skin and hair as well as help in weight loss. Take the juice of half a lemon, mix it with warm water and two cloves of garlic, then consumption twice daily for 2-3 months.
Tips Using Garlic :
Garlic contains allicin which can be beneficial for the health and beauty of the body. The content of allicin in garlic can be destroyed if you use a microwave.
Make sure you use garlic very carefully. This is because garlic has a high content of antioxidants which if often used on the skin can lead to blisters and rashes. Perform the test in advance in ensuring that the garlic does not cause any reaction. Due to the nature of the garlic, make a mask of skin and hair of garlic is not recommended for people who have very sensitive skin.
That's 18 the benefits of garlic for health and beauty. It would be nice, to know in advance if you have a skin that is how. If you have sensitive skin, it is not advisable to use garlic as a base material of skin and hair mask.